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Test Pit 06 - Ark T Centre

A test pit was dug to a depth of 1.0m. The natural geology was reached at 0.32m (72.65m above OD). On removing the turf, a thin, uneven spread of pea gravel could be seen immediately below the turfline, mixed with the soil from Spit 1

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Test Pit 05 - Ark T Centre

Cowley, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 3LN, UK

A test pit was dug in the front garden of the Art T Centre to a depth of 0.45m. The natural geology was reached at c.0.8m below ground surface.

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Test Pit 19 - Bartlemas Farmhouse

The test pit was positioned inside and east of the western boundary ditch, in such a way as to avoid an area that the householder identified as previously having been a rose bed. The test pit was dug to a depth of 0.38m. The natural geology was not reached

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The Knights Templar in Temple Cowley

The Knights Templar in Temple Cowley 

Caroline Morrell


Knights Templar in Temple Cowley


                                  Knights Templar in Temple Cowley


Temple Cowley

Temple Cowley, Oxford, Oxfordshire

Temple Cowley is named from the now lost preceptory of the Knight's Templar.  Brick and stone cottages lying amidst the 19th and 20th expansion act as reminders of its origins as a small village.  Today the area is perhaps better know as being the home of William Morris' first car factory, formerly the Military Academy, and later the Nuffield Press.


Test Pit 6 ArkT 2

Oxford OX4 3LN, UK

Area Excavated: 1m x 1.5m in lawn

Test Pit 01 - Magdalen Road Area

The evidence from this test pit added two interesting aspects to the story of this part of East Oxford.                                   

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Bartlemas Chapel

Bartlemas Chapel

St Bartholomew’s Chapel (Bartlemas) lies within a small secluded fragment of medieval England, tucked away behind the busy Cowley Road.  The chapel, hospital building and chaplain or wardens house were founded in the early 12th century by Henry I to accommodate 12 lepers (known as brethren) and a chaplain. The site lay on a plateau within Cowley Marsh and had its own gardens, springs and holy well, and was surrounded by cultivated land, meadows for grazing animals, and woodland.

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