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Place names

Littlemore and Blackbird Leys - place names and field names

Littlemore and Blackbird Leys - place names and field names

by Maggie Willis and Jane Darke

Headington field names

Field Names of Headington (including Old Headington, New Headington, Quarry, Barton and Wick)

by Nina Curtis and Anita Martin

The field names of Cowley

The field names of Cowley

by Christopher Lewis

Iffley parish place names

Iffley and Rose Hill - Introduction and origins


St Frideswide

The attached .pdf file is an investigation into St Frideswide monastery and its relationship with Cowley, St Clements and East Oxford.

St Clement of St Clement

The attached .pdf file is an investigation of the name St Clement

Tamesubugus made this

Investigation into the Roman name Tamesubugus found inscribed into a piece of pottery during the construction of the Churchill Hospital, Headington.  For more information see the attached .pdf document

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