Test Pit 62: 9 Sandford Road

Introduction: Test pit 62 was one of a series of test pits excavated in the historic core of Littlemore in June 2013.  It is located in the back garden of 9 Sandford Road. 9 Sandford Road is set slightly back from the street and was constructed in the late 1970s/1980s. It replaced two cottages 9 and 11 Sandford Road which faced directly onto the street (see figure 2).


Excavation summary: Test pit 62 measured 1x1m by a maximum depth of 0.67m.  The top three contexts 101/102/103 comprised turf and garden soil and had a combined depth of c.0.21m.  This overlay a substantial deposit (c. 0.25m thick) of material thought to be levelling associated with landscaping of the garden for the new 9 Sandford Road.  This in turn over lay two distinct deposits thought to be a spread of demolition material from the original numbers 9 and 11 Sandford Road.

TP62 full report
